
Laser Eye Surgery Orange County Risks?

If you have been thinking about getting laser eye surgery and are wondering about the risks, let me tell you, they are low. Many people put this kind of surgery off because they are afraid that there are many risks. The truth is that it is extremely rare to have permanent damages from this procedure. In fact, many complications can be corrected through re-treatment or getting certain eye enhancements. The laser eye surgery Orange County doctors are very well trained and in the rare case of a complication, they can quickly correct almost any problem before it becomes permanent.

One of the main reasons that permanent complication resulting from laser eye surgery are so low (below 1%), is because of the of the careful selection process doctors, especially laser eye surgery Orange County doctors, put patients through to qualify them for this procedure. You have to meet certain qualifications or else you cannot have this surgery done. For example, if you are pregnant, or have diabetes you cannot have this procedure done because of how slow your eyes heal when you are under these conditions.

A laser eye surgery Orange County doctor can help you discover if you qualify for this procedure. This is for your safety and the success of the surgery, obviously. For some things like pregnancy, you might only have to wait awhile before qualifying for laser eye surgery. Talk to a laser eye surgery doctor in Orange County to see qualify for this treatment.

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